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PostNapisane: 29.09.2018, 8:02 
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Dołączył: 28.05.2015
Posty: 685
Lokalizacja: Gdynia
Nr klubowicza: 615
i nie tylko, bo są tu takie cymesiki jak ten o kontynuacji produkcji 911:

I remember the day quite well: I went down to the office of our lead engineer, Professor Helmuth Bott, to discuss plans for our upcoming model. I noticed a chart hanging on his wall that depicted the ongoing development trends of our top three lines: 911, 928, and 944. With the latter options, the graph showed a steady rise in production for years to come. But for the 911, the line stopped in 1981.

I grabbed a marker off Professor Bott’s desk and extended the 911 line across the page, onto the wall, and out the door. When I came back, Bott stood there, grinning.

‘Do we understand each other?’ I asked. And with a nod, we did.”


996 C4S

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