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PostNapisane: 8.01.2021, 18:31 
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Dołączył: 3.05.2011
Posty: 1362
Lokalizacja: Gdynia
Nr klubowicza: 467
takie info od Franka dostałem dziś:

Hello dear Porsche-Friends in Poland,
I wish to you all a happy New Year, Luck and Heathiness.
Today I want to let you know about some new Informations for the 60-Years Porsche Club Nuerburgring Anniversary.
I'm happy to tell you that we fixed the 2021 Term.
We have our Party on October 9 - 10th during the Season-Final of the Nuerburgring Langstrecken Meisterschaft (VLN)
We are very glad that we found this special Date in the second Halfyear 2021, because we all hope that the Corona-Pandemia is till there under Controll.
Especially for our Friends from all over Europe we chose this Term!
As I promissed in my Messages from March 2020 you get this Information before we start with the official Booking. And we block your Tickets till End of March.
About the Delaying last Year we add some Specials for all registrated Participants from last Year.
You all will get a special Badge from our Event for free and for all of you we have some free Tickets for a Drive with your own Car on the famous Nuerburgring Nordschleife on Sundaymorning.
I hope you all are still interested for our Event and I am happy to welcome you in October 2021.
Please take care and stay Healty,

Kind Regards,


IG: barrys.garage.classic.porsche

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