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PostNapisane: 14.12.2007, 23:40 
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Dołączył: 8.03.2007
Posty: 2038
Lokalizacja: 3City
Nr klubowicza: 094
Przegladajac ostatnio zagraniczne forum natknalem sie na takie pytanie :crazy:

"...Hi. I am the owner of the Prince Kalbi restaurant in Seoul, Korea. I buy cars to impress people and to have sex with beautiful girls. I'm actually very, very far from what you would call good-looking, so I usually need a lot of help from cars, watches, shoes, and expensive designer labels to impress girls.

My business has been going really well and I feel like I should buy somthing more sporty than my M5. I visited a dealer last Wednesday and narrowed my choices to GT3 and Turbo. They had a white GT3 and a black Turbo. I don't really care which is faster. I couldn't even use all the powers of my M5.

So, my question is, Between a white GT3 and a black Turbo, and between these two cars only, which do you think I will have more success at getting girls? Please don't be a dick and tell me neither would do for me, because frankly, I have had some brilliant successes with my M5 and I know I can do better with a Porsche. After all, it's a PORSCHE.

I will wait for your honest responses...."


in: Rally,Mezgers
Nobody is born a legende, you race to become one.

Pucharek PCP 2007,2008,2009,2010,2023r.
Carting Cup PCP 2015r.
Futuresolar OZE, fotowoltaika, pompy ciepla.

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PostNapisane: 14.12.2007, 23:59 

Dołączył: 20.03.2007
Posty: 285
:lol: Niech kupi Cayenne - będzie miał więcej miejsca bo pobaraszkować.. :D

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PostNapisane: 15.12.2007, 0:29 

Dołączył: 3.09.2007
Posty: 911
tu pewnie się niektórym narażę ale ja bym odpowiedział - tylko czarne( turbo ) ! no ale zawsze może zamówić białe wnętrze z napisem GT3
P.s. tak na marginesie Tobie Marcin tylko jedno w głowie :P :D :bootyshake: - gdzie serfujesz w towarzyskich :lol: :lol:
pzdr :piwo: :?:

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