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Autor Wiadomość
PostNapisane: 29.05.2019, 21:34 

Dołączył: 29.05.2019
Posty: 5
Dear Porsche Club Members of Poland,

Congratulations to your Club and Forum. Looks very nice !

I`m going to move from the USA to Poland (Warzaw) in August. I will bring my beloved 997 to your country with my other household.

I have no idea how to get registration etc. in Poland for my 911. Could someone please get me in contact with an expert or help me to understand the process ? I did contact the Porsche Dealer already, but it seems they prefer to sell me a new car :-)

Thanks a lot in advance, 8)


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 29.05.2019, 21:49 
Członek Zarządu PCP

Dołączył: 12.03.2008
Posty: 9172
Welcome! You can register the car as an expat, you’ll get special plates (today WYxxxxX) for such people. No need to pay import taxes etc.

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 17.08.2019, 8:12 

Dołączył: 29.05.2019
Posty: 5
Thanks a lot Witek,

Finally arrived in Poland. Great country and all went well. Car came out of customs in one day.

Went to Porsche in warzawa yesterday. They have very little idea about a bee registration etc.

Was told I need to take some technical test at the local traffic office. Problem is I can’t drive the car there as it has US number plates etc.

Can in get temporary plates or something ?

Thanks and have a great weekend


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 17.08.2019, 9:25 
Członek Zarządu PCP

Dołączył: 12.03.2008
Posty: 9172
Great to hear all is going well. Yes, to do a inspection you need polish plates. There are plates with red numbers, I bet you can get them in local communication department (Wydzial Komunikacji)

 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 17.08.2019, 14:40 

Dołączył: 7.04.2015
Posty: 950
There is allways a problem with moving the car before registration here.
I suppose you want to do the MOT/ techical islection/przeglad techniczny (whatever it is called in different countries).

To move the car to the inspection station you have two realistic and quite comfortable options:
- fully legal: just take it on a lorry. Way faster and probably comparable costs than getting temporary plates
- not fully legal but everyone do that: just drive the car BUT you go to some insurer and buy OC insurance (you can do that without licenca plates, the VIN is important). When you hava an insurance, other stuff is not serious „crime” and in worst case you will pay a small fine. (I mostly use second option). Although theoretically when police stops you they can tool your car, but never heard they do that when you have an insurance. But you never know.

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 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 17.08.2019, 17:42 

Dołączył: 29.05.2019
Posty: 5
Thanks my fiends !

Very helpful. Will get the insurance first and will drive myself. Can’t be far from my house. To ask a town truck maybe little to difficult. How serious is the technical inspection ? Do they require any specifics to be changed ?

Also would need a good garage / mechanic in the Warsaw area. Any recommendations ? Not very impressed by the Porsche dealer....

Thanks again and enjoy the weekend


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 17.08.2019, 20:51 

Dołączył: 7.04.2015
Posty: 950
I guess you would have do make „extended” inspection. Not every station can do that but there is plenty of them. You should find one within 1-2 km in the city. Even extended is not really serious. Things like:
Hand brake
If you have decent car you will not have any problem.
The other stuff they check is decumentaion and parameters (loads, weights, stickers on the car) and here you might see some probblems potentially. You didnt say from which country you move.
[edit] just notice you came from usa. In such case there will be a problem potentially with eg. Symetric headlight. Do not know details but the best would be to ask someone who imported car from us ar one of the companies who do such import. They will know.

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 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 17.08.2019, 20:55 

Dołączył: 7.04.2015
Posty: 950
Regarding workshop, people from Warsaw seems to service their cars mostly at I personally did there only PP Inspection and I was very satisfied. However it does not look like Porsche Dealer and you will not get your soy latte on the sofa while you waiting ;)

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 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 17.08.2019, 21:01 

Dołączył: 29.05.2019
Posty: 5
Cool. Thanks for the update. I moved from the US. Of course my car is in decent condition and well take care of....

Thanks also for the mechanic. Will contact them at some point. No latte fine for me completely... they also didn’t offer me on at the Porsche dealer last Friday 😩😩😩

Thanks again and enjoy the weekend !


 Zobacz profil  
PostNapisane: 17.08.2019, 22:41 
Członek Zarządu PCP

Dołączył: 12.03.2008
Posty: 9172
I can help you with the inspection, but I’ll be back in Warsaw on Thursday. If it’s not rush we can make it together

 Zobacz profil  
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