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PostNapisane: 15.12.2014, 11:06 
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Dołączył: 8.03.2007
Posty: 2062
Nr klubowicza: 068
Silniki MY97-05 M96 , M97 znane są ze swojej awaryjności
gadałem o tym z Cichym na Walnym - dzielę się i z Wami

Jedna z usterek to łożysko IMS
patent na dodatkowe smarowanie:

drugi to sam Alusil i uszkodzenia bloku/tulei
podobno zaczynają się od gotowania płynu w jednym z kanałów w głowicy
zapobic można temu stosując np płyn: ... -cars.html

a tu parę słów - fakty i mity o silnikach Boxster/996:



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PostNapisane: 15.12.2014, 11:34 

Dołączył: 2.08.2010
Posty: 335
Słyszałem jeszcze o wyścigowej misce olejowej, która ma lepiej sobie radzić z temperaturą. Wklejam z

Deep Oil Sump Pans

Scavenging and aeration in the oil pan have been identified as a problem in 996/997 and Boxster models experiencing high G-forces on the racetrack. The R-9095 oil pan spacer provides a simple solution. This spacer increases sump capacity by half a quart, providing more reserve to ward off starvation. The R-9095 is approved by the Porsche Club of America for use in PCA club racing Stock and Prepared class cars.

The R-9095 kit clears all factory options including the rear skid plate. Added oil capacities as well as increased oil pan surface area increase oil cooling and engine performance.

Note: Oil pan and sump baffle are OEM parts and do not need to be purchased.

Material: 6061 T6 Aluminum Alloy
Finish: Clear Anodized
Installation: For best results internal baffle passages should be modified. Modification instructions included in the kit.
Miscellaneous: Spacer adds .5 U.S. quarts to oil pan volume and improves internal baffling system. Extension bolts included in the kit.

Part Number: BK-R-9095 $242.50

LN Engineering's deep sump kit increases total oil capacity by .5 Qt. This reduces the chances of oil starvation due to prolonged cornering, acceleration, and high speed operation during HPDE and Autocross events without sacrificing ground

Part Number: LN-106-00 $349.00

EBS Racing's Oil Sump Baffle is designed to fit all Boxster/996/997 M96/97 type engines. It expands on the factory X51 design and features all stainless construction with metal doors that will not distort or deteriorate over time. This helps to ensure that more oil stays around the main oil pickup at all times. This kit includes the baffle, 3x6mm bolts to attach the baffle to the existing oil pan, blue Loctite for the 3x bolts and Loctite 5900 to seal the pan to the engine case.

Part Number: 997-107-243-EBSR-K $225.00

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PostNapisane: 16.12.2014, 0:48 

Dołączył: 1.03.2008
Posty: 1391
Marcinie - czy ten temat to taki kij w mrowisko? :?

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